Month: December 2007

Creating a Process Table hash in Perl

I came across a situation where I needed to access the process table in Perl. The problem that i found was that the best accessor Proc::ProcessTable only retrieved an array. Since it seems fairly senseless to keep looping over an array to find the exact process id that I want, you may want to turn …

By eric

Deleting Lots Of Files (SysAdmin problem solving exercise)

Since I know I am not the first (or the last) to make a typo in logrotate and not catch it for a while…someone else must have been in the position of having to delete a lot of files in the same manner. I recently learned that, as usual, there is more than one way …

By eric

MySQL Proxy Query Profiling

Since I am now finally getting to play with MySQL Proxy, I am going to outline some recipes here that I have found/created/modified that may be useful to someone other than me. This is a recipe for profiling queries. It writes the information to the PROXY_LOG_FILE currently name mysql.log. It is a file that will …

By eric

Text Messages to Cell Phones via Email

I have been compiling a list of the domains that one needs in order to send text messages to cell phones via email. As a huge user of Nagios, this is how I keep myself aware of the status changes. Below I have listed the carriers that I use most frequently. If you have any …

By eric

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