Month: May 2009


What About An External Multi-Touch Trackpad For a Mac

I used to be a big fan of ergonomic keyboards (and I still am). But I am an even bigger fan of the multi-touch trackpad. I have even extended it by using MultiClutch (I know the link looks funny, but that’s the page title, I promise). MultiClutch allows you to extend the swiping and pinching …

By eric

HOWTO Recreate /dev/null

If something happens that requires you to recreate /dev/null on your *nix system. Don’t fret, it’s easy. The most recent issue I had was that a Capistrano recipe inadvertently clobbered /dev/null. The file looked like this: 12[root@web1 ~]# ls -l /dev/null -rw-r--r-- 1 capistrano engineering 0 May 26 04:02 /dev/null Thankfully to bring it back …

By eric

Why Idea People Should Twitter

Let me start off by explaining what I mean by an “Idea Person.” To me, an idea person is someone who just has a knack for thinking of things that would make the world a better place (or at least make things easier for some people). They don’t necessarily need to be a scientist on …

By eric

More Efficient SPAM Fighting with Amavisd-logwatch

This is the first in a multipart series on better SPAM fighting through log parsing. I have found that better Systems Administration can usually be achieved through proper log handling and analysis. In fact, I will use the data from one of the secondary mail servers in my personal mail setup in order to demonstrate …

By eric


Things (Todo App)

After reading and commenting on these 2 blog entries by rbowen: iPhone Todo Apps Things and iPhone Todo Apps; I figured that I would throw my $0.02 on here. Things by Cultured Code does come with a high price tag. But it is by far the most useful todo app that I have come across. …

By eric

More Wolframalpha Easter Eggs

While finally getting to play around with the new Wolframalpha search (computational knowledge) engine. I found a few more Easter Eggs in addition to the ones posted on Mashable here and here. It appears that the creators of WolframAlpha believe that proverbs (more commonly referred to as aphorisms) are a handy trait for a computational …

By eric

Designing Towards The User

Any Systems Administrator who hasn’t heard of Tom Limoncelli should probably do some reading. His latest blog post ‘Gorillas in the Mist’ or ‘Sysadmins at the Keyboard’? over at Everything Sysadmin talks about how sometimes the time spent on designing a product or interface could have been better spent if the organization had just spoken …

By eric

Social Media Information Propagation

This morning I read the news story Irish Student Hoaxes World Media With Fake Quote. To summarize the article, an Irish student put a few quotes on Wikipedia on the page of a composer who had recently passed away to see how quickly people would use them. He made up the quotes and they were …

By eric

Percona Conference Slides

For everyone who was not able to attend this year, here is the link to the Percona Perfmance Conference slides: I suggest you check them out if you work with MySQL. Enjoy.

By eric

Deploying Amavisd-logwatch

I was looking for way to make my SPAM filtering more effective and came across this great tool from Mike Cappella called amavisd-logwatch. On his web site, it says he doesn’t like waiting for package maintainers, so its just a tarball. Since my installs are Debian based, I created a deb for it. My .deb …

By eric

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