Month: June 2019


Man’s Best Friend

This is a story that actually took place in February 2012 or so. I’m reposting it here because I think it’s a good follow up to explaining why I enjoy spending time with the Charlie dog so much. The Story I had just gotten my dog Charlie about 3 weeks before I found out I …

By eric

Aimless Walking Fixes Most of My Problems

If you’ve ever met me, you have probably been (un-)fortunate enough to hear about my doggo Charlie. We’ve been together for almost 10 years now and we go everywhere we can together (he’s been to 3 countries and 40 US states so far). The one unexpected benefit for me about having a best friend that …

By eric

Why I Ask People About Their Tattoos

I personally have quite a few tattoos on my body. If we were counting hours, which is easier than tattoo counts on me, I would say the number is somewhere around 200 hours to date. There are many reasons that people get tattoos. Some do it for the story. Some do it for the art. …

By eric

On Saving Screenshots

After many years of working on products, I’ve picked up some peculiar traits. One of them is that I save all the screenshots I take. Some of them I eventually get rid of (or immediately depending on the nature of what was in the screenshot). But for the most part I keep them all. I …

By eric

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