Year: 2010

Creating Configuration Files With Ruby Templates

I recently had a very repetitive configuration file that needed creating. There were approximately 50 config blocks of 10 lines each with only the host name changing with each block. So I decided to take a shortcut and do it in Ruby using ERB templates. This is so easy and literally save me hours worth …

By eric

Random Tech Notes And Buzz Updates

Since Google Buzz is Twitterish in the sense that you can post a quick note, but different in the sense that (amongst other things), it can be longer than 140 characters. So in that vein, I’m starting to try to make a habit of a quick post (a couple per week) of things I do …

By eric

My First Drobo Experience

The Drobo is supposed to be one of those solutions that essentially pops out of the box and with very little effort, just works. I ordered my Drobo FS through an Amazon retailer. What I wasn’t expecting was an experience…

By eric

Multiple Input Locations From Bash Into Ruby

I have been trying to figure out how, while using OptionParser to be able to check for files being input on the command line and if they don’t exist, check other input streams (like Bash). This initially wasn’t very easy since input streams are blocking. So with a little help from friends (thanks roberto), I …

By eric

Nagios notify-by-campfire Plugin

Since one of the core communication methods for my company amongst engineers is 37Signals Campfire and Nagios is one of our main monitoring tools for all of our applications and services, I thought it would be a good idea to combine the two. So with a few simple additions to the Nagios configuration and a …

By eric

Creating Dummy Packages On Debian

One of my favorite things about Debian is its awesome package management system. Apt is one of the reasons I have used Debian for servers for so many years and eased my initial transition to Ubuntu (which as most people know was initially a Debian fork). Apt is a great tool as long as you …

By eric

New Massachusetts Security Law Passed For Databases

In case you haven’t heard about the new Massachusetts state law regarding consumer or client information in databases, you can read about it here, at Information Week, or just Google for “Massachusetts data security law”. And if you haven’t read about, then I strongly suggest you do. This is one of those instances where I …

By eric

Should I Mock Kernel#exit

I don’t know what the right answer is, so any insight would be appreciated. From Googling around, I came across this thread on StackOverflow which talks about Validating exits and aborts in Rspec. I have a few issues with this, namely that I am using shoulda and I don’t want to validate the exit, I …

By eric

ColorTail Gem

One of the best ways to learn something new is to find a project in that realm and do it. I wanted to learn Ruby on Rails, so I wrote a web site. I wanted to learn Python, so I did a project in it for work. Now I want to get better at Ruby, …

By eric

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