
US Road Trip 2017

Non-Discrimination Buffalo Statues, Fargo, and the Red River

Fargo, North Dakota is definitely one of the more interesting places I’ve been to. There is an underlying dichotomy in the feel of the city. But it’s full of really great people and for sure not like the movie or TV show. I also found out that North Dakota really has a thing for statues …

By eric

US Road Trip 2017

Waterfalls, Red Rocks, Beer, and Sheep

While it might not be surprising that a place called Sioux Falls has actual water falls in the downtown area, it’s still pretty cool that there are actually water falls in the downtown area. Since I was in an actual city, I also made sure to look around for some good food and got some sparring …

By eric

US Road Trip 2017

SPAM, Mall of America, and Bluffs in Minnesota

There was a lot of cool stuff to do in Minnesota and I only really scratched the surface. Spending a holiday weekend there meant a lot of places were packed and I had to adjust my travel plans a little. There was still a lot of random cool stuff in Minnesota like the SPAM museum …

By eric

US Road Trip 2017

Rocks Above and Below, Deja Vu, and Mustard

Even though I’ve already been to Madison, Wisconsin, I figured I would use the time to eat at a few more places. Because hey, who doesn’t like food tours? It ended up being a weird deja vu. The rest of the day was a lot less already seen stuff. We spent some of it deep …

By eric

US Road Trip 2017

Old Cars, RV History, and Village Mash

I admittedly didn’t spend a lot of time in Indiana. I really only crossed through the northern tip of the state. So my Indiana experience is fairly limited. But there are some pretty cool museums that I was able to visit along the way. For some reason, they were all vehicle related. I guess that …

By eric

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