Since Google Buzz is Twitterish in the sense that you can post a quick note, but different in the sense that (amongst other things), it can be longer than 140 characters. So in that vein, I’m starting to try to make a habit of a quick post (a couple per week) of things I do to make my life easier. This goes both for SysAdmins and for Programmers.
I’ll be adding things for everything from Vim and Bash, to MySQL, Perl, Ruby, Python, and any other language or app that I happen to be using shortcuts in. If you have another idea or a better way to do something, I’d love to hear it. So add a comment or hit me up on Twitter (@elubow). I’ve already got a few up there so check them out.
And for the record, I am not trying to mimic or one up something like Just providing things that work well in my world.
The Google Buzz account is here.