Month: April 2010

New Massachusetts Security Law Passed For Databases

In case you haven’t heard about the new Massachusetts state law regarding consumer or client information in databases, you can read about it here, at Information Week, or just Google for “Massachusetts data security law”. And if you haven’t read about, then I strongly suggest you do. This is one of those instances where I …

By eric

Should I Mock Kernel#exit

I don’t know what the right answer is, so any insight would be appreciated. From Googling around, I came across this thread on StackOverflow which talks about Validating exits and aborts in Rspec. I have a few issues with this, namely that I am using shoulda and I don’t want to validate the exit, I …

By eric

ColorTail Gem

One of the best ways to learn something new is to find a project in that realm and do it. I wanted to learn Ruby on Rails, so I wrote a web site. I wanted to learn Python, so I did a project in it for work. Now I want to get better at Ruby, …

By eric

A Few Words About Setting Up Postfix Multi Instance

I work with email and Postfix. On every mailing machine I have Postfix setup on, I have at least 2 instances, sometimes more (in fact, sometimes its as many as 6 instances). I was recently setting up a new set of mailers and decided to give Postfix multi-instance seutp a try. It was excellent. There …

By eric

Monitoring Services with Nagios::Plugin

There are a lot of people who say, “if it isn’t monitored, then it isn’t a service.” The problem is that I don’t think enough people outside of the systems world believe that or even understand why its said. I think the primary offenders here are developers. It isn’t because they don’t know better, but …

By eric


Capistrano Hangs on Mac OS X Leopard

I use Capistrano to deploy my webapps and have been for a while. I also deploy right from my laptop quite frequently. So I was a little taken aback when I could deploy in one place and not in another. It turned out that Capistrano was having issues with deploying to multiple servers. In fact, …

By eric

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